Hi, I’m Kateryna

But friends call me Kate. I grew up in Ukraine on a farm. I went to farmer's markets and did all the farm chores. I hated it! I wanted nothing to do with farm life so I studied Hotel and Tourism Management in the University, dreaming of traveling the world, and ended up moving across the world to the US.

But once I was far away from home, I realized I missed having my hands dirty with soil and I started growing flowers on my 0.25 acre property in Massachusetts. My garden grew each year and in 2019 we moved to Dover, New Hamshire, and we acquired 1 acre property where I immediately planned a new garden. I grew lots of veggies, herbs, and of course flowers. Every holiday and big celebration includes me putting together a fun party with lots of food and flowers! My second baby shower, which I planned myself, was floral-themed, and I realized I am addicted to flowers! Here I am in 2024 planning and planting my flower farm. Who would have thought? Of course, I am not able to do it without my parents, Tanya, and Evgen.

The Family

Tetiana (Tanya) and Evgen knew each other for a while before they started dating. They got married in 1991 and had their first and only born Kate shortly after. Evgen was studying PHD in Dnipro Agricultural University and Tanya was a stay-at-home mom. They always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Evgen was always growing something and Tanya found a way to sell it to make money to keep up with the farmhouse and to make sure Kate received a good education. They grew lots of crops such as corn, sunflowers, berries, asparagus, potatoes, and of course flowers.

Dream it

When COVID-19 started Tanya and Evgen were visiting Kate in the US and it made them stay way longer than anticipated. When they were ready to go back to their farm in Ukraine, an unfortunate turn of events in Ukraine made them stay in the US. That made them think about what they should do. After doing a few things, they realized farming was what they knew. Evgen created corn hybrids in Ukraine and is a huge wealth of knowledge, so Kate created Kvitka Farm at the beginning of 2024 after she had her second child Sofia. The dream is to have both kids Logan and Sofia grow up surrounded by nature and flowers just like Kate did.

Kvitka Farm was born with a dream to have a beautiful colorful future full of flowers and dreams.

Contact us.


Dover, NH and New England